DAV™ DAV Department of Nevada | What We Do

width="26" What We Do

DAV Department of Nevada

DAV Department of Nevada provides the eyes to see and the ears to hear for Veterans and their families.   We provide the support so well earned and well deserving.

"The Department of Nevada creates a sense of comfort and assurance! We are dedicated to ensuring Veterans and their families can access the full range of benefits available to them." width=""

width="" DAV Van Transport

DAV Department of Nevada operates DAV vans across the State to provide free transportation to VA medical and approved medical facilities for injured and ill Veterans.

width="" Homeless Committee

Our dedication to assist the homeless is a constant effort. Department of Nevada works to assist our Chapters to fulfill needs of the homeless such as clothing, blankets, assistance with rent and more.

width="" Wheelchair Committee

Disabled Veterans often have a challenge with mobility and obtaining assistance in getting equipment such as wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, or just equipment repairs. Our Wheelchair Committee Coordinator can be contacted to request assistance.

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